What is a Floating Power Plant?

Floating power plants, sometimes referred to as “photovoltaics” or floating solar photovoltaic (PV) power plants, are cutting-edge technologies that use solar panels installed on floating structures over bodies of water. This innovative technique has addressed the difficulties associated with conventional land-based solar systems and shows great promise. This thorough tutorial will go over the operation, parts, advantages, drawbacks, and more of floating power plants.

How Does a Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant Work?

Solar photovoltaic (PV) power plants use solar panels to convert sunlight into electrical energy, which produces electricity. This is a brief overview of the procedure:

  1. Sunlight Absorption: Solar panels, made up of photovoltaic cells, absorb sunlight.
  2. Electricity Generation: The absorbed sunlight knocks electrons loose from atoms in the PV cells, creating an electrical current.
  3. Energy Conversion: This current is converted into usable electricity through an inverter.
  4. Transmission: The generated electricity is then transmitted to a grid or storage system for use.

In floating solar systems, these panels are installed on floating structures over water bodies.

The Components of a Floating Solar Plant

  1. The Buoyancy Body

  • This is the floating solar plant’s foundation, which keeps everything afloat. The buoyancy body is typically made of high-density polyethylene (HDPE), a strong and lightweight plastic that can take on a variety of forms and sizes based on the particular design.
  • It is designed to withstand changes in water levels, the weight of the solar panels, and the anchoring mechanism.
  1. The Solar Panels

  • Solar panels are the essential component of any solar power plant, floating or not. These employ photovoltaic (PV) cells to collect sunlight and transform it into power. Floating plants use solar panels that are readily available in the market, just like land-based solar farms.
  1. The Mooring System

  • It is essential to anchor the entire construction to the water’s bottom. Typically, the mooring system is made of:
    • Anchors: These heavyweights, made of concrete or specialized materials, are secured to the seabed and provide the main holding force.
    • Mooring Lines: Durable ropes or cables connect the anchors to the floating platform, tethering the entire structure.
  1. The Power Collection Network

  • The electricity produced by solar panels needs to be gathered and transferred. Every panel’s current is transported by a system of undersea cables to a central location, where it is reversed and connected to the power grid. To prevent water damage, these underwater wires need to be covered with specialized insulation.
  1. The Inverter

  • The direct current (DC) electricity generated by the panels must be changed into alternating current (AC) in order for it to work with the power grid, just like with land-based solar facilities. Depending on the architecture, an inverter may be situated onshore or on a floating platform to perform this conversion.
  1. Monitoring System

  • Monitoring the plant’s functioning is crucial. A monitoring system gathers data on variables including weather, water levels, and electricity generation. This guarantees optimal operation and enables the early discovery of any problems.

Optional Components:

  • Some floating solar plants may incorporate additional features such as:
    • Bird deterrents: To prevent birds from landing on the panels.
    • Fire protection system: For added safety measures.
    • Cleaning system: Automated systems can keep the panels clean for optimal efficiency, especially in dusty environments.
    • Energy storage system (batteries): While less common, battery storage can allow for energy generation to be used even during cloudy periods or at night.

These essential elements work together to create floating solar plants, which provide a novel and distinctive method of harnessing solar energy to produce clean energy without taking up valuable ground.

Cost of Floating Solar Power Plant

In general, the cost of setting up floating solar power plants is higher than that of conventional land-based solar farms. Installing a 1 MW floating solar project, for example, can cost anywhere between USD 630,000 and USD 765,500, while a land-based installation with the same capacity would cost between USD 5,100 and USD 6,500. The additional needs, like the anchoring systems and floating structures, are what account for the higher cost.

Where Can These Plants Be Installed?

Floating solar plants are typically installed on various types of water bodies, including:

  • Reservoirs: Ideal for these installations due to their stable water levels.
  • Lakes: Provide ample space and accessibility for large-scale projects.
  • Canals: Offer a unique opportunity to utilize otherwise unused space.
  • Man-made Ponds: Custom-built water bodies tailored to host floating solar systems.

Benefits of Floating Solar Plants

Floating solar plants offer numerous advantages over traditional land-based systems:

  1. Land Conservation: They do not require large tracts of land, preserving valuable real estate for other uses.
  2. Higher Efficiency: Research indicates that floating solar plants can generate up to 10.2% more electricity than land-based systems due to the cooling effect of water.
  3. Water Conservation: They reduce water evaporation from reservoirs and lakes by providing shade.
  4. Environmental Protection: By being installed over water, they leave more land available for agriculture and wildlife.

The efficiency of Floating Solar Panels

In many cases, floating solar panels perform better than their on-land equivalents. Studies show that these technologies can improve energy performance by at least 13%. Water’s cooling function keeps PV modules at ideal temperatures, extending their lifespan and efficiency.

Applications of Floating Solar Panels

Floating solar panels have diverse applications, including but not limited to:

  • Municipal Water Bodies: Supplying renewable energy to nearby communities.
  • Industrial Reservoirs: Powering industrial facilities and reducing operational costs.
  • Agricultural Ponds: Providing sustainable energy to farming operations.
  • Urban Areas: Offering a renewable energy source for densely populated regions with limited land availability.

Challenges and Limitations of Floating Solar Power Plants

Despite their advantages, floating solar plants face certain challenges:

  • Higher Initial Costs: As previously mentioned, the setup costs are higher compared to land-based installations.
  • Technical Complexity: The anchoring and mooring systems require precise engineering to ensure stability and durability.
  • Environmental Impact: Potential impacts on aquatic ecosystems need careful assessment and management.
  • Maintenance Issues: Maintenance can be more challenging due to the aquatic environment.

Top Ten Largest Floating Solar Plants

  1. Madhya Pradesh, India: World’s largest floating solar plant with a 600 MW capacity.
  2. Ramagundam, India: 100 MW plant spread across 40 blocks.
  3. Anhui, China: 150 MW floating solar plant developed on a flooded coal mine.
  4. Hainan, China: Features a 100 MW floating solar installation.
  5. Huainan, China: Hosts a 40 MW floating solar project.
  6. Yamakura Dam, Japan: 13.7 MW facility with 51,000 solar panels.
  7. Kayamkulam, India: 92 MW floating solar plant.
  8. Sakaide City, Japan: 7.5 MW floating solar farm.
  9. Oman Sea, Oman: 1,300 MW floating solar project (planned).
  10. Singapore Reservoirs, Singapore: Home to multiple floating solar projects totaling around 50 MW.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Some advantages and disadvantages are described below.


  • Efficient Land Use: Frees up land for other purposes.
  • Increased Efficiency: Enhanced energy generation due to cooler operating temperatures.
  • Water Conservation: Reduces evaporation from water bodies.
  • Eco-Friendly: Reduces reliance on fossil fuels and promotes renewable energy.


  • High Initial Cost: More expensive to set up compared to traditional solar farms.
  • Complex Maintenance: Requires specialized upkeep due to the aquatic environment.
  • Environmental Concerns: Potential impacts on marine ecosystems must be managed carefully.


Floating solar power plants can creatively solve the problems with conventional land-based solar installations. PV modules provide higher efficiency, land conservation, and environmental benefits when they are installed on water bodies. For sustainable energy generation, floating solar plants are an appealing alternative due to their long-term advantages despite their greater initial costs and technological complexity.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQS) About Floating Power Plant

They can be installed on reservoirs, lakes, canals, and man-made ponds.

They save land, increase energy efficiency, conserve water, and promote environmental sustainability.

Yes, they can generate up to 10.2% more electricity due to the cooling effect of water.

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