What is an Organic Solar Cell?

In order to generate energy from sunlight, organic solar cells, sometimes referred to as organic photovoltaics (OPVs), use carbon-based materials and organic electronics rather than silicon as a semiconductor. Other names for these kinds of cells that are frequently used include “plastic solar cells” and “polymer solar cells.” In contrast to conventional crystalline silicon cells, organic cells are printed onto thin plastics using compounds that are usually dissolved in ink. This allows them to be flexible and integrated into a wider range of environments and structures.

How Does Organic Solar Cells Work?

Organic solar cells (OSCs) employ a strategy different from conventional solar cells, which depend on silicon. These novel cells use organic materials such as polymers and tiny chemicals to generate energy from sunlight. Let’s examine these unique devices’ internal mechanisms:

  1. Light Absorption

The OSC is struck by sunlight, which is made up of different energy packets known as photons.
The organic components of the cell are made specifically to take in these photons.
Using various organic materials, OSCs can be designed to absorb a larger variety of wavelengths than silicon, which has a particular bandgap for light absorption.

  1. Exciton Formation

An electron inside an organic molecule gets excited when a photon is absorbed by it.
The electron in this excited state, which is loosely linked to its initial position, is referred to as an exciton.

  1. Charge Separation

Removing the exciton before it recombines and loses energy as heat is the main problem with OSCs.
Usually, a mixture of materials serving as electron donors and acceptors makes up the OSC.
The donor material’s excited electron easily moves to the acceptor material’s lower energy level.
In essence, this separates the charges by producing a negatively charged electron in the acceptor and a positively charged “hole” in the donor.

  1. Charge Collection

Electrodes collect these divided charges on opposite sides of the OSC.
Negatively charged electrons are pulled to the cathode (positive electrode), and positively charged holes are drawn to the anode (negative electrode).

  1. Electricity Generation

Electric current is the flow of electrons from the cathode to the anode via an external circuit.
You can either feed this current back into the electrical grid or use it to power equipment.

Organic Solar Cell Structure

Usually, organic solar cells are made up of several layers, each of which has a distinct purpose. This is a basic summary:

  • Substrate: A flexible or rigid base material, often plastic.
  • Anode: Usually made of a transparent conductive material like indium tin oxide (ITO).
  • Active Layer: Here are the organic compounds found, as well as the locations of light absorption and electron generation.
  • Cathode: Often made of metals like aluminum or silver.
  • Encapsulation: Layers of defense to keep the cell safe from outside influences like oxygen and wetness.

Types of Organic Solar Cells

Plastic solar cells, sometimes referred to as organic solar cells (OSCs), are a fast-developing technology that has the potential to change the solar energy industry completely. Because OSCs use organic materials instead of standard silicon-based cells, they have special benefits like flexibility, lightweight design, and possibly lower production costs. Nonetheless, there is an amazing diversity among OSCs. Now, let’s examine the various kinds of organic solar cells:

1. Polymer Solar Cells

Conjugated polymers are used as the light-absorbing layer in these cells, which are the most common kind of OSC. Polymers are suited for large-scale production because of their flexible bandgaps, the range of light energy they absorb, and their roll-to-roll processing compatibility.

2. Small Molecule Solar Cells

The layer that absorbs light in these cells is made up of tiny organic molecules. When compared to polymer solar cells, they have the potential for better efficiency. However, issues with stability and processing can prevent them from being widely used.

3. Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSCs)

Although they aren’t strictly organic, DSSCs use organic dyes to absorb light. They have benefits including minimal production costs and excellent low-light performance. However, when compared to small molecule or polymer OSCs, their efficiency is typically lower.

4. Perovskite Solar Cells

Technically organic, while they frequently blend inorganic and organic components, perovskite solar cells have become a competitive alternative. In certain situations, they can even outperform conventional silicon cells in terms of efficiency. More investigation is still needed to determine their long-term stability and scalability, though.

4. Tandem Organic Solar Cells

These new cells stack various organic constituents in a layered arrangement, including tiny molecules and polymers.
This allows for the capture of a wider spectrum of solar wavelengths, which could result in increased efficiency. Although tandem OSCs are still in the early stages of development, they have a lot of potential.

Difference Between Organic and Inorganic Solar Cells

The primary difference between organic and inorganic solar cells lies in the materials used:

Feature Organic Solar Cells Inorganic Solar Cells (Typically Silicon)
Light Absorbing Material Organic materials (polymers, small molecules) Inorganic materials (primarily silicon)
Structure Thin film on flexible or rigid substrates Crystalline silicon wafers
Efficiency Lower (typically below 15%) Higher (up to 25%)
Cost Potentially lower manufacturing cost Higher manufacturing cost
Weight Lightweight and flexible Heavy and rigid
Production Simpler, potentially roll-to-roll printing Complex and energy-intensive manufacturing
Applications Portable electronics, building-integrated applications (BIPV), curved surfaces Rooftop solar panels, large-scale solar farms
Advantages Lightweight, flexible, potentially low-cost, tunable properties High efficiency, well-established technology, durable
Disadvantages Lower efficiency, lower durability High cost, heavy and rigid, limited shape conformability


Benefits of Organic Solar Cells

Organic solar cells offer several unique advantages:

  • Flexibility: Can be incorporated into flexible structures and surfaces.
  • Lightweight: Ideal for applications where weight is a critical factor.
  • Cost-effective: Potentially cheaper to produce than traditional silicon cells.
  • Versatility: can be used on a range of surfaces, including ones that conventional panels aren’t meant for.

Applications of Organic Solar Cells

Organic solar cells (OSCs) are showing promise as a game-changer in the growing field of solar energy. In contrast to conventional silicon-based solar panels, organic solar cells (OSCs) have special qualities that lead to fascinating new uses. Now let’s explore the creative ways OSCs are changing the energy scene:

  1. Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV)

Imagine structures that produce all of the clean energy they need! Because OSCs are lightweight and flexible, they can be easily incorporated into architectural elements such as roofs, windows, and facades. Their non-intrusive design permits power generation without affecting design, which makes them perfect for BIPV applications.

  1. Wearable Electronics

Wearables have a bright future, and OSCs are essential to it. Because of their tiny, flexible form factor, they are ideal for powering gadgets like fitness trackers, smartwatches, and even health monitoring sensors. Imagine wearing a fitness tracker that collects solar energy with each step you take!

  1. The Internet of Things (IoT)

Reliable power sources are necessary for the constantly growing network of connected devices. Low-power IoT devices can integrate OSCs, which can be printed on a variety of surfaces, to eliminate the need for regular battery replacements. This can power smart home devices, agricultural monitoring systems, and even sensors in remote regions.

  1. Indoor Applications

Conventional solar panels can only be used outside because they depend on sunshine. On the other hand, OSCs can operate in artificial lighting. This makes it possible to charge electronics in dimly lit spaces or those with little access to direct sunshine. Consider using OSCs to power electronic displays or signs in buildings.

  1. Portable and Rollable Solar Chargers

Just picture a solar charger that is small enough to fit in your backpack and is easy to wrap up! Because OSCs are flexible and lightweight, they are perfect for use in portable solar chargers. Hikers, campers, and anyone else who needs to charge their electronics on the go might really benefit from these..

  1. Curved Surfaces

Conventional solar panels face challenges on curved surfaces. Because of their flexibility, OSCs may be precisely molded to fit curved automobile hoods, rooftops, and even tents. Optimizing energy capture on non-flat surfaces can increase efficiency overall.

Manufacturers of Organic Solar Cells

The following organisations and businesses are leading the way in organic solar cell technology:

  • Heliatek: Specializes in producing organic solar films.
  • Solarmer Energy: Focuses on developing high-efficiency organic photovoltaics.
  • Mitsubishi Chemical: Invests in research and development of organic solar solutions.

Materials Required to Manufacture Organic Solar Cells

The following essential components are needed to produce organic solar cells:

  • Organic Semiconductors: Carbon-based materials like polymers and small molecules.
  • Conductive Polymers: To facilitate electron flow.
  • Transparent Conductive Oxides (TCOs): Such as ITO for the anode.
  • Metal Electrodes: Typically aluminum or silver.

Pros and Cons

We go over a few benefits and drawbacks below.


  • Flexible and Lightweight: Can be used in various innovative applications.
  • Lower Production Costs: Potentially cheaper to produce.
  • Environmentally Friendly: Lower energy consumption during manufacturing.


  • Lower Efficiency: The maximum current efficiencies are around 11%, while crystalline silicon panels can reach up to 22%.
  • Degradation: More susceptible to environmental factors like moisture and sunlight.
  • Shorter Lifespan: Generally have shorter operational lifespans compared to inorganic cells.


Organic solar cells are a promising development in renewable energy technology, with special advantages like cost-effectiveness, lightweight design, and flexibility. While there are still issues to be resolved, including durability and efficiency, continued research and development are producing positive results. With further advancements in performance, organic solar cells have the potential to challenge conventional silicon-based photovoltaic systems in the near future.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQS) About Organic Solar Cells

Organic solar cells currently achieve efficiencies near 11%, while the most efficient silicon-based cells reach upwards of 22%.

The primary drawbacks include lower efficiency, susceptibility to environmental degradation, and shorter lifespans.

Yes, one of the main advantages of organic solar cells is their flexibility, making them suitable for integration into various surfaces and materials.

Organic solar cells use carbon-based compounds dissolved in ink and printed onto thin plastic substrates.

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